(Documentation excerpted from reports submitted to Nordplus for 2007 and 2008) 




1)  The first organizational meeting for NNIMIPA was held in Esbjerg, Denmark on November 18, 2007 at Musikhuset Esbjerg. The meeting lasted all day, including lunch in, and a tour, of the impressive building designed by Jørn Utzon (who also designed the famous Sydney Opera House in Australia). All six participating institutions were represented by their contact persons and/or by representatives appointed by the contact persons. The aims of NNIMIPA were discussed, and the manner in which a weeklong course could be designed was discussed as well. Plans were made for applying for funding for this course in 2008, so that it could be implemented in 2009.


The date of this 2007 meeting had been set so that NNIMIPA members who so wished also could attend the NTSMB (Netværk for Tværvidenskabelige Studier af Musik og Betydning/ Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning, international conference Music and Sound in Public Space November 16 and 17 at the University of Southern Denmark  (SDU) in Esbjerg, supported by the Danish Research Council for the Humanities (DRCH). This conference was a cooperative effort involving SDU at Esbjerg, Aalborg University at Esbjerg (AAUE) and the Academy of Music and Music Communication, Esbjerg/Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium (VMK).  


2)  On the morning of April 2, 2008 a first practical planning meeting was held at the Academy of Music and Music Communication, Esbjerg/Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium regarding the projected course on Music Informatics Performance and Aesthetics in 2009. This was occasioned by Tere Vadéns (UTampere’s/UTA’s NNIMIPA representative) Lifelong Learning-funded visit in Denmark. VMK, SDU, AAUE and UTA were represented at the planning meeting. In the afternoon we held the symposium Perspectives on the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics  at AAUE, and representatives from NNIMIPA institutions went out to dinner  after the symposium.


3)  November 23, 2008 we held the final planning meeting for the weeklong course Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics scheduled for the week of March 30-April 4, 2009, in Esbjerg, Denmark on the campi of VMK, SDU and AAUE, arrival on March 29 and departure on April 5. Contact persons and/or representatives appointed by the contact persons from all six participating institutions were present and we worked all day at VMK in Esbjerg.


The date of this meeting had been set so that that NNIMIPA members who so wished also could attend the NTSMB (Netværk for Tværvidenskabelige Studier af Musik og Betydning, Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning,  international conference Music in and Out of the Body November 21 and 22, 2008 held at VMK


4)  Network members had opportunities to become better acquainted with each other and with each other’s work, as well as with many of the physical facilities which would be made available when we held the projected weeklong course on Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics in Esbjerg in the spring of 2009 on the campi of VMK, SDU and AAUE. This personal contact has made it subsequently quite comfortable for representatives of the participating institutions to stay in touch by means of Skype and other forms of digtial communication.


The scheduling of the network planning meetings in Esbjerg to coincide with conferences and a symposium in which presentations were given by researchers affiliated with the institutions participating in NNIMIPA allowed the representatives from the institutions who were able to attend these supplementary events to learn even more about each other’s work and to be inspired regarding  possible topics to be dealt with during the projected master-level course Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics during the spring of 2009.



Network Coordinator,


Editor and Webmaster for

Cynthia M. Grund


Please note that this is the way the website for 



Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics


appeared as of June 30, 2014, the concluding date for the period during which the network was funded by NordForsk 2010-2014. Founded in 2007, NNIMIPA was initially funded by NordPlus. This website was started in February 2010 while NNIMIPA was still a NordPlus network, and it contains extensive documentation of the activities within NNIMIPA from its inception in 2007 until the final date for the NordForsk grant in June 2014.

     The contacts that were established among researchers in the Nordic area and beyond through NNIMIPA have resulted in myriad cooperative research efforts. A significant number of these activities continue to be documented on the website which you  are most welcome to visit.


(For Google Calendar, please see HERE.)



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Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics