Courses (and networks!) require organization and coordination, and we have held several productive and enjoyable group coordination meetings - Esbjerg (2007 and 2008 - please see HERE), Helsinki (2009 - please see HERE and HERE), Oslo (2010 - please see HERE and HERE), London (2011 - please see HERE - and 2012 - please see HERE), Bergen 2012 (please see HERE), London once again in 2013 (please see HERE) - since the founding of NNIMIPA in 2007. OUr next meeting will be in Marseille, October 20113 (please see HERE). For documentation of additional NNIMIPA coordinating activities, please see throughout the calendar HERE.
Here is an online version of a book that was released on November 11, 2010 - a captioned photo essay by Cynthia M. Grund and William Westney - which recounts the NordPlus-sponsored coordination meeting for NNIMIPA held at the University of Oslo, February 18-19, 2010:
(2010) Grund, C.M and Westney, W. Music, Movement, Performance & Perception: Perspectives on Cross-Disciplinary Research and Teaching within NNIMIPA - Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics. An essay in words and pictures recounting the NordPlus-sponsored Coordination Meeting for NNIMIPA held at the University of Oslo, February 18-19, 2010. Text: Cynthia M. Grund and William Westney. Photography: Cynthia M. Grund. Odense: The Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions at the University of Southern Denmark and NNIMIPA: Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics, a network supported by NordPlus, 76 pages. ISBN 987-87-92646-11-8.
Since we find our activities within NNIMIPA to be both fascinating and fruitful, it is our hope that this book will demonstrate for those outside of the network the possibilities for cooperative research which such a network affords, as well as the benefits of cross-discplinary work of this type.
Tip: To view the book in full-screen mode, just click on the circled arrow in the middle of the picture and then click on the screen icon in the lower left-hand corner. To control the speed with which the slides progress, move the cursor to the lower right-hand corner when in full-screen mode. A row of five arrows appears; the slowest setting is activated when only the leftmost arrow alone is highlighted; the fastest setting is activated when all five arrows are highlighted.

Network Coordinator,
Editor and Webmaster for

Please note that this is the way the website for
Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics
appeared as of June 30, 2014, the concluding date for the period during which the network was funded by NordForsk 2010-2014. Founded in 2007, NNIMIPA was initially funded by NordPlus. This website was started in February 2010 while NNIMIPA was still a NordPlus network, and it contains extensive documentation of the activities within NNIMIPA from its inception in 2007 until the final date for the NordForsk grant in June 2014.
The contacts that were established among researchers in the Nordic area and beyond through NNIMIPA have resulted in myriad cooperative research efforts. A significant number of these activities continue to be documented on the website www.soundmusicresearch.org which you are most welcome to visit.
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