Nordic Network for the
Integration of
Music Informatics,
Performance and Aesthetics

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November 21, 2011
New Directions in Musical Performance
Workshop and seminar in the Concert Hall,
Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark/
Syddansk Musikkonservatorium og Skuespillerskole (AMDA/SMKS), Islandsgade 2, Odense, Denmark.
9:30-11:30 Performance workshop "The Un-Master Class" with NNIMIPA-affiliate William Westney.
This innovative workshop, for musical performers of any instrument, was the subject of a New York Times profile in 1997. Classes have been held internationally at conferences, music-teachers' meetings, universities, and music venues such as Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Manhattan School of Music, Central Conservatory (Beijing), University for Music and the Performing Arts (Vienna), Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne), Peabody Conservatory, Holland Music Sessions, Aspen School of Music, Sibelius Academy (Helsinki), Royal Danish Academy of Music (Copenhagen), and Royal Conservatory (Toronto).
11:30-12:30 Lunch break.
12:30-14:00 Seminar "The Inquisitive Musician" with NNIMIPA-affiliates William Westney and Barry Eaglestone and NNIMIPA-coordinators/committee members Cynthia M. Grund, Kristoffer Jensen, Morten Heide and Søren Rosenlund Frimodt Møller.
The six panelists will offer cross-disciplinary perspectives on why the study of musical performance is of interest to philosophy, aesthetics, pedagogy, computer science - and, of course, musicians themselves. All panelists are affiliated with NNIMIPA.
You are welcome to come to the seminar and find out what opportunities NNIMIPA offers to performers and to conservatory students.
The panelists are:

Cynthia M. Grund www.cynthiamgrund.dk, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark at Odense. Chief Coordinator for NNIMIPA and NNIMIPA-coordinator for SDU; NordForsk Project Manager; philosophy; Editor-in-Chief for JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning www.musicandmeaning.net. Grund contemplated a career as a professional accompanist (piano) before deciding to concentrate on an academic career which has included mathematics, logic, formal philosophy, aesthetics and culture studies. Grund received her training in the United States (BA, Bryn Mawr College), Sweden (ABD, Uppsala U.) and Finland (FT/fil.dr., University of Tampere). She defended her Finnish doctoral thesis Constitutive Counterfactuality: The Logic of Interpretation in Metaphor and Music (Copenhagen: Askeladden 1997, ISBN 87-89288-18-1) in 1997. She is an implementer of study and research in Denmark in generalized philosophy of music (see http://www.soundmusicresearch.org and http://www.ntsmb.dk).

William Westney http://www.williamwestney.com, http://www.soundmusicresearch.org/HCA_Prof.html. Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Piano, Browning Artist-in-Residence, School of Music, Texas Tech University; Hans Christian Andersen Guest Professorial Fellow at SDU 2009-2010. Westney regards academic research and instrumental performance preparation as two closely related species of information-seeking and integration. He holds the B.A. from Queens College (N.Y.) a performance doctorate from the Yale School of Music, and studied in Italy under a Fulbright grant. Performing credentials include top piano prize in the Geneva International Competition, top prize (and only American winner) in Radiotelevisione Italiana auditions, recitals at New York's Lincoln Center and throughout Europe and Asia. Author of the best-selling book The Perfect Wrong Note and originator of the innovative “Un-Master Class” performance workshop, which was profiled in The New York Times, he is now engaged in collaborative philosophical work with Cynthia M. Grund that has resulted in numerous international conference presentations. Other ongoing projects include studies of musical gesture and piano technique using motion-capture technology. Westney is an active member of the NNIMIPA-committee affiliated with SDU.
Barry Eaglestone Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK (Retired). Eaglestone’s Ph. D in computer science is from Huddersfield Polytechnic, where he later served on the faculty. He has also been a senior lecturer at the University of Bradford. His recent work has centered on collaborations with composers of electroacoustic music. As a database expert, Eaglestone was a founder member of the EPSRC-funded Digital Music Research Network (DMRN) and co-author of the Road Map for Digital Music Research produced by the DMRN.His research has been funded by various agencies including the EU, the National Museum of Denmark and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). http://www.nnimipa.org/BarryEaglestoneCV.pdf

Morten Heide www.mortenheide.dk completed his bachelor and master’s studies in piano at the Carl Nielsen Academy of Music in Odense, Denmark, under the guidance of Christina Bjørkøe, Rosalind Bevan, Erik Kaltoft and John Damgaard. In 2010 Morten Heide finished his post graduate performance studies in piano at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Odense, focusing on the interpretation of contemporary music. In June 2011 Morten Heide completed his master’s training in conducting at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Odense. Heide has been an active member of the NNIMIPA-Committee for AMDA/SMKS.

Kristoffer Jensen, Associate Professor, Architecture, Design and Media Technology - ad:mt – Aalborg University Esbjerg. http://vbn.aau.dk/da/persons/kristoffer-jensen(1ff9e3d6-ce36-45e7-85fa-f8d4cc07129d).html NNIMIPA-Coordinator for Aalborg University Esbjerg. Kristoffer Jensen obtained his Masters degree in 1988 in Computer Science at the Technical University of Lund, Sweden, and a D.E.A in Signal Processing in 1989 at the ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. His Ph.D. was defended in 1999 at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, treating signal processing applied to music from a physical and perceptual point-of-view. This mainly involved classification and modeling of musical sounds. Kristoffer Jensen has been involved in research dealing with synthesizers for children, state-of-the-art next generation effect processors, and signal processing in music informatics. His current research topic is signal processing with musical applications and related fields, including perception, psychoacoustics, physical models and expression of music.

Søren Rosenlund Frimodt-Møller www.orkesterfilosofi.dk. SRFM holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Southern Denmark (2010) and prior to this degree an MA in philosophy and visual communication, from the same university (2005). Frimodt-Møller is a musician himself, with over 20 years of experience as a violinist in both amateur and professional ensembles. He has used this experience along with his knowledge of the community of musicians in general in his PhD dissertation which dealt with how musicians understand and act according to norms in the performance situation and why this is beneficial for their coordination processes. He is Managing Editor of JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning www.musicandmeaning.net.Frimodt-Møller is an active member of the NNIMIPA-committee affiliated with SDU.


Network Coordinator,
Editor and Webmaster for

Please note that this is the way the website for
Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics
appeared as of June 30, 2014, the concluding date for the period during which the network was funded by NordForsk 2010-2014. Founded in 2007, NNIMIPA was initially funded by NordPlus. This website was started in February 2010 while NNIMIPA was still a NordPlus network, and it contains extensive documentation of the activities within NNIMIPA from its inception in 2007 until the final date for the NordForsk grant in June 2014.
The contacts that were established among researchers in the Nordic area and beyond through NNIMIPA have resulted in myriad cooperative research efforts. A significant number of these activities continue to be documented on the website www.soundmusicresearch.org which you are most welcome to visit.
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